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Leeds, United Kingdom | Мужчина Ищу Женщину

Базовая информация

Говорю на языках:
Английский, Французский, Японский, Польский
Я бы описал(а) себя как
I am very kind, very friendly, polite, intelligent, helpful, laidback, easy going and outgoing, trustworthy and promising, active and energetic, calm, patient, good looking, cheerful and sometimes funny and I am somebody who is up for a laugh and a joke and I am up for just about anything really. I am somebody who enjoys lots of things in life and I am somebody who does have an interest in buses.
Знак зодиака

Внешность и семейное положение

Мой рост
157 см
Мои глаза
Моя этническая принадлежность
Белый европеец/кавказец
Семейное положение
У меня есть дети
Хочу детей
Привлекательная часть тела
Даже и не думаю об этом
Мои волосы
Домашние животные
Хочу переехать


Неоконченное высшее
Полный рабочий день
Род занятий
Род занятий
Retail assistant
Зарабатываю в год
Меньше $14,999USD
С родителями
Все очень спокойно
Отношение к курению
Да, в компаниях


В школе я был(а):
Любимчик учителей
Мое социальное поведение
Сдержанное, Вульгарное, Наблюдательное, Сама дружелюбность, Комедийное, Флирт, Свободное, Мрачное
Интересы и увлечения:
Семья, Упражнения, Учеба, Музыка, ТВ, Фильмы, Интернет, Игры, Танцы, Путешествия, Компьютеры
Мое представление об отлично проведенном времени
Тусовки с друзьями, Вечеринки, Останусь дома, Пробовать новое, Фильмы, Расслабление, Спать, Видеоигры, ТВ
Идеально первое свидание
To go to the pictures or maybe go out for a meal or perhaps have a drink at the bar and it would just depend because there is so much to do for a first date.
Я всегда хотел попробовать
To learn to drive a bus one day or maybe go swimming with dolphins or perhaps appear on television one day if I had to choose.
Друзья считают что я:
Сама дружелюбность, На кого они хотят быть похожими, Крутой, Идеал, Флирт


Моя религия
Посещение служб:
По праздникам
Моя цель в жизни
To look for and find that one special person which is very hard and it's very tough even for me because I am autistic and I do have aspergers because sometimes I do find it really difficult to communicate and understand what other people are saying but I still get along well with other people. My goal in life would be to have my own home one day because I am still living at home with my mum and dad but I am hoping to relocate and move out one day and live my very own independent life and I do hope to have my own family and my own kids one day and maybe get married one day and perhaps travel more.
Мой юмор
Умный, Сама дружелюбность, Фарс


По телевизору, я всегда смотрю
Новости, Мультфильмы, Ситкомы, Фильмы, Реалити-шоу, Мыльные оперы, Записи
Предпочитаемые жанры фильмов:
Экшн, Комедии, Драмы, Семья, Анимация, Триллеры
Предпочитаемая музыка
Кантри, Рэп, Рок, Метал , Электроника , Поп, Танцевальная, Душевная, Регги, Панк
Я люблю читать:
Новости, Автобиография, Биография, Классика, Музыка
Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения
I do enjoy been out and about enjoying the outdoors and I do enjoy taking long walks and I enjoy taking a walk through the park and I enjoy things like going into town and having a wonder around the shops, going to the pictures, going bowling and going swimming and I do enjoy spending time with my friends and I do enjoy travelling about and exploring places and I do enjoy things like relaxing, watching a bit of late night television, watching DVDs, listening to my music, playing computer games and so much more.

В поиске

Считаю привлекательным:
Остроумие, Кокетство, Мощность, Спонтанность, Странности, Смелость, Чувствительность, Сопереживание, Умения, Юмор, Красота, Внимание, Интеллект, Пассивность
Что и кого ищете?
I would look for some partner who is really trustworthy and promising and somebody who is really confident and I would look for some partner who is up for a chat and up for a laugh and a joke and I would look for that one special partner who would be up for meeting up one day and would look forward to meeting up one day and I would look for somebody who I can meet up with one day and I would look for some partner who I can keep in touch with. I would look for that one special partner who will be friends with me and stay friends with me forever and I would look for somebody who would be up for starting a family one day and would enjoy having kids one day and I would look for that one special partner who would look forward to starting a family and would look forward to having kids one day and I would look for that one partner who would enjoy life with me and would have a good future with me and would enjoy my company.
Ищу отношения типа:
Интернет друг, Друг, Свидание, Интим, Серьезные отношения